List of frequently asked questions

If you have any questions that you do not find on the list, please contact us

First steps

To create the menu you must first create the categories and then create the products, to be able to assign the products to the categories.

The creation process is very simple, you just have to go to the product page, Add a new product and indicate the name, price and category to the that corresponds. As optional data you can put the description, the allergens, the image, the ingredients to manage the stock and the translation in others languages.

create product

Remember that the issue of allergens is important, since you will help both waiters to know what products to offer, both customers if you have a digital menu, to know what dishes they can take. In addition, today it is mandatory to have the allergen menu at your POS for restaurants.

Unlike other systems, our cashier closure does not require an opening, so once the day or shift is over, the cashier must be closed.

We go to Closing box and then click on Close box. In this window you will have to enter the amount that you counted at the beginning and each of the currencies and bills for you to make the sum in the final amount. You can also enter the final amount directly if you prefer to do it faster.

If we look at the following example, we have placed 2 $50 bills, which would make a total of $100, but as we have placed, we have started with $50. The result total is $50 (100-50=50).

crear producto

To configure the printers, go to the printers section, click on Add and then enter the name of the printer, the categories that we want to print to this printer, the main POS exactly the same as it is in Windows. To search for the printers in Windwos we look for the option of "Printers and scanners" and all our installed printers will appear. Here we can see the name of the printers and put it exactly the same in Foodeo.

To use the stock, you must first create your warehouses and suppliers and then add the purchases of the products.

If the products have ingredients, we must first create the ingredients and then assign these ingredients to the products. Then we can create Stock purchases with ingredients.

Common errors

This is possibly the most frequent error, if the printer does not work for you, the first thing to check is that you have the PrinterFoodeo program turned on and indicating the message "Connected and ready to print".


Then we can check if the printer prints a Windows test page, to do this follow these steps:
1. From Windows we look for the Printers and scanners option.
2. Next we look for the printer that is not working. We click on it and then on Manage.
3. Here we will press the option to Print Windows test page.

In the event that the printer does not print a Windows test ticket, we advise you to restart the computer and the printer. If the problem persists, contact the supplier provided by the printer.

If the printer prints a Windows test page, but does not print in Foodeo, we must check that in the printer section, the printer has the same name as in Windows. And that it is assigned to the desired categories and areas.

Most app-related issues are resolved by closing the app and logging back in. We recommend that you first update the app from Google Play or App Store.

If you're having trouble logging in, first make sure you're at the login screen and not the registration screen. If you have problems with the credentials, You can modify the password from the administration panel in the employees section. Look for the employee and click on edit (green pencil icon), then edit the password and click save.

Before contracting the software

It is not easy to find a POS for hospitality in a physical place, since these devices are not for all the public, so you will have to look for a specialized hospitality hardware store.

If you don't want to bother looking for a physical store, you can place the order through an online store such as Foodeo, The advantage of an online store is that the prices are usually more reasonable and that the order arrives directly at your home or restaurant.

Our POS terminals come with Windows 10 pre-installed, in a few minutes you can start working with your hospitality program.

If you are thinking of buying a printer, surely you have considered what type of printer to buy. There are different types of printers on the market. such as WIFI, Ethernet or USB printers, there are also printers that print the ticket with different sizes, among all of these, We recommend the WIFI and USB or NETWORK printers with an 80mm ticket and a speed of 200mm/s.

The main difference between a WIFI printer and a USB or NETWORK printer is that you can use the WIFI printer remotely without installing cables, as long as there is WIFI coverage.

This allows you to be more mobile and place it wherever you want, also if you need a printer at the bar and another in the kitchen, sometimes the easiest thing to do is set up a WIFI printer in kitchen.

The other difference is the price, WIFI printers have a slightly higher price than USB printers. If you are not sure which one to choose, The best thing would be to acquire a WIFI printer, since these also allow you to connect them via USB.

The advantage of a USB or NETWORK printer is that it is easier to install and less prone to errors, since there is no need for WIFI coverage.

Of course, you can use your hardware with us as long as you meet the following conditions:

  • The computer or POS has a Windows 10 or higher operating system: If you have a computer with an old operating system, you must update it, since for security and compatibility reasons we only allow Windows 10 operating systems.
  • The printer has a 80mm wide ticket printing: The 8cm wide printers are the traditional ticket size, we do not work with small ticket printers.
  • The commanders are Android or iOS: You can use any Android or iOS device, be it a tablet or a mobile.

If you already have the hardware and you are not interested in spending more money to renew it, you can reuse your hardware with our program. Check with us, if you have any question.

Yes, at any time you can change your plan and we will adjust the price of your subscription.

Yes, it is possible to install it yourself, but you will always have the help of one of our agents.

Charges are direct debited to your account, contact us to get started

In a maximum of 48 hours you have the entire program configured. Although we usually take less.

Yes, to ensure a quality service, we have support included in any of our packages.

Foodeo has the latest technological advances to have a secure system in the cloud, we have several servers and a load balancer to ensure a good performance at all times.