Software TPV for ice cream parlour

Specialized hospitality software for ice cream parlors, allows you to manage your ice cream parlor thanks to our personalized POS program and App

The best software for your ice cream shop

At Foodeo we have software tailored to the needs of your ice cream parlor, you will be able to manage your entire ice cream parlor in a much more agile way, thanks to our POS software and commanders.

We adapt our software to your establishment

All the needs of your ice cream parlor are covered with our software for ice cream parlors.

Manage product prices based on sizes and flavors.

Quickly change product prices or add new flavors or product types.

Manage all the stock of your ice cream parlor to know the stock of each product.

Advantages of using our hospitality software for your ice cream shop

1. It allows you to place orders at home and to pick up
2. You can place orders by adding different toppings or extras for the ice creams
3. You can order tubs and cones of different flavors of ice cream and of different sizes from the comanderos
4. Customers can place the order themselves from the app, to save personnel costs and speed up the work in preparing the order
5. Any technical problem you can consult with us directly.
6. Configure your menu with the categories and products adapted for the ice cream shop.


$ 38,35/month

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