Planes y Precios

Elige el plan de suscripción que más se adapte a tus necesidades
$38,35 /month
    Manage bookings
    Manage stock
    Digital menu with QR
    Customer Loyalty
    Kitchen Screens
$46,52 /mes
    2 commanders
    Manage bookings
    Manage stock
    Digital menu with QR
    Customer Loyalty
    Kitchen Screens
$86,66 /mes
    Ilimited commanders
    Manage bookings
    Manage stock
    Digital menu with QR
    Customer Loyalty
    Kitchen Screens

All our plans include

We want that working with us to be a sign of quality, that's why you have all the following options included in all our plans
Support and personalized attention
Security 360
Employee Management
Sales reports
Sold product reports
Reports of orders placed
Management of delivery and take away orders
Personalized letter
Customer database
Customer ticket and kitchen customization
Multiple printer setup
Case closing and accounting

Frequent questions

Do not stay with any questions, contact us and we will solve all your doubts. We also answer by WhatsApp!

Can I change my subscription plan?

Yes, at any time you can change your plan and we will adjust the price of your subscription.

Are the prices tax free?

No, the tax is applied based on current legislation.

How can I change my plan?

Request the change by sending an email to

How could I Start?

Fill in this form and we will contact you.

How do I pay for the subscription?

Charges are direct debited to your account, contact us to get started

How long does it take to configure the system?

In just 48 hours you have the entire program configured.